What's New

  1. Create new LabSmart account with existing rate list and test database

    New Feature

    If you are opening a new lab and worried about having to customise the entire account again, updating the rate list and adding the tests and interpretations again, please contact the support and we will help migrate your data from old account to new account.


  2. Upcoming - Setup UI, setting changes, and more


    View all announcements - https://feedback.labsmartlis.com/announcements 


    1. Manage users option will only be available to account owner.
    2. Settings on bill page now allows to modify address and sms settings.
    3. Auto crop feature (in beta) is available for letterhead cropping on basis of header height and footer height, additional options of signature area height and case info area height are introduced so that letterhead fits better on the report pdf.
    4. Onboarding is renamed to Setup.

    Setup UI changes:

    1. Manage users is moved to account owner dashboard.
    2. Rate list page is now more organised and easy to understand.
    3. Go-live checklist is more readable now.
    4. Layout for setup is updated.


    Ratelist page - Setup


    Lab Ratelist page - Setup

    Packages, panels, tests and bill only entries are listed separately. Rate update functionality stays the same, this is done to clarify the package and panel concepts better.


    Bill settings -

    Now address can be updated directly from the bill page, and you can get immediate preview of the bill.



    Report settings -

    Update letterhead and signature directly from report settings page. Auto crop feature for letterhead has been introduced in beta.



  3. View test counts

    New Feature

    Test counts feature is released in Beta. You can view test counts for 1 day, to over 1 month's period. Permission to view the test counts is limited to account owners.

    Bill entries are ordered by highest to lowest and search option is available to search within the page.

    Sample screenshot -

  4. Switch to NABL report format




    To help make reports more readable we have aligned all the TAT related fields on the right. This also help comply with NABL norms, in order to keep the patient and doctor informed about the testing process.


    Example NABL report format.



    To enable this format, update "print setting" available on view report page.



    Received on field is added to capture more TAT related information.

  5. Radiology editor update


    Rich text editor for Digital x-ray and USG reports/templates now supports copying content from MS-Word. More formatting options are added as displayed in the screenshot below.





    1. Font will not be copied when copying content from MS-Word editor, but you can manually set the font.

    2. You can use page break option to print content from a new page.


    Radiology editor update

    I have attached a image which is similar to Ms-Word like options which can be implements in our software, so that this will give a free hand to reporting where we can increase & decrease font size, basic standard font selection, highlighting any remarks, paragraph, copy format options etc.... Original title: USG Reporting Templates Feature Update



  6. Business analysis enhancement


    Business analysis page is updated to include case type revenue bifurcation. Also, for privacy reasons now the duration limit is set to 1 months (31 days). 


    Information on website - https://labsmartlis.com/features/business_analysis 


    Business analysis enhancement

    Add statistics for each case type. Limit max duration of analysis to one month.

    Abhishek Srivastava



  7. Partial Downtime incident



    Today we received complaints about downtime, after the complaint we restarted the server and service was restored back to normal. Server restart takes from 3min-8min.

    Downtime lasted from 12:01pm -12:13pm.


    We are still not clear about the root cause of this issue, and we are investigating. It could be due to come internal network failure within datacenter of service provider. We are monitoring our servers and everything seems to be back to normal after the server restart.



    Upon investigation we have found one server operating normally and serving the requests as usual while other server failed to do so. We have added an additional server to improve the situation, but this is only as caution and is not the final solution.

  8. Test addition and customisation service is charged



    Please note it is very easy to add new tests and modify existing tests. If you need help you can contact us for instructions (this is not charged). But if you are unable to do it yourself, you can contact us for customisation service.


    Following are the terms of customisation:

    1. Need to inform us in advance of 1 day.

    2. Changes will be done in working hours only.

    3. Rs. 50 per test and a minimum of Rs. 100 will be charged on request for customisation from backend.